Sunday, March 24, 2013

An unbiased look at the epidemic in our youth video game

 Video games are a great way to improve the friendship or relationship

Since the creation of video games, parents, and children know about the usefulness of the disadvantages of this technology by sabotage. If intermediaries, games can be a great tool for social communication, as well as access to well-deserved vacation. Recently, many studies have been published that many people play video games, and many times it false data. Instead of a radical strategy to deny the benefits of video games, or even to declare him as their savior for today's youth, it is necessary to take the middle path and set it according to your own values.
Socially, video games are a great way to improve the friendship or relationship. To sit in a great game Madden 06 (football match), or even co-op mode for the game Halo 2 (first person shooter), you can build a bond between you and your partner. Working with this game to work in a team, have the partners and to develop a plan to win the game. However, you can also play against a team of Madden 06, or even fight against each other in the second Halo If taken too seriously, it can be detrimental to a relationship. However, these games tend to have a light, healthy competition, and possible losers (and winners) to conduct skills justice.
Unfortunately, the negative effects on social behavior, almost right in too many video games. Many times, when players are very passionate game, some singles can lead to social isolation. Games (when abused) can take time with friends and players of plants in front of the screen. At a young age, it can be very dangerous, because children learn better social skills and behavior. "Addicted" in the video game as a child growing up as an introvert, shy and / or anti-social.
There is another side effect of the video game, except for the social health of the player, physical health. Many diseases and injuries of the repeated use of video game related. Some of these include: eye strain, wrist / neck / injuries, back pain, photosensitive epilepsy, headaches, vein and muscle damage, and even fancy! The researchers will study the effects of video games in obesity, although it is a factor. Even if it is good enough reason to remove only the sound of the video game should evaluate the conditions of the study conclusions. Many of these injuries are very rare, and repeated words. In most cases of injury or illness as a result of the video game, because people played. So, in moderation, you can play the video game with much less risk of suffering, harm visitors.
Although he is at risk for negative video game, there are also many positive effects on physical health after the game. Several studies, including one from Stanford University, video games are a big influence on the players' problem-solving skills and vigilance ([ / 2001-01-19-video. HTM]). U.S. National Institutes of Heath government has also recently published a study that shows the amazing advances in the visual skills and attention to video games ( hi/technology/2943280.stm) was published. Among these skills to expand and improve the ability to follow instructions. Teachers tried for centuries to convey the educational perfect to follow the instructions to the students. Now, with the development of video game players skills under the direction and hopefully grow.
In addition to the ability to follow the instructions that come with many other educational benefits of playing video games. It has been shown that many strategy games such as Age of Empires and Rome: Total War, increasing logic and thinking. In this game, players are encouraged critical thinking and decision-making involves not affect gameplay. To win, you need to consider before you decide to do it. For example, Age of Empires, the choice to either archery or stable structure, to influence the outcome of the next generation. Many role games (like Final Fantasy X) requires that you have large amounts of text quickly scroll to read the screen. In fact, many American teachers improve the spelling, reading, math indicated, as well as video games ( Many readers may think that? Obviously, good for reading, read a book, but how easy it is to ask a child if you want to read a novel or play the latest blockbuster games on the shelf now
The content of toys is also important. Today the range of style and content of the game has increased tenfold. There are games. For pre-adolescent girls, violent youth, athletes, fans of history, to each his own name, and this is probably the game was designed with their same demographic study of the American Institute of Health and others' Different games, such as variable (http://news. They are some guys play in the modern game, the last year (as well as the Medal of Honor), and serious games released released (like Tetris). Medal of Honor visual attention skills of the player and greatly improved while the Tetris player is almost no improvement.
Unfortunately, many of the video games of today's youth to get away from those demanded of everyday life. In conclusion, one of the best tools for procrastinators. This can have a negative impact on daily life. Kids play video games instead of doing work to study for the test, and instead of talking to his family! In addition, many video games means that the "dependence" and cause a lot of "hard core" players will lose their jobs, fail in school, and even lose the relationship. Characteristics of video games makes them look almost like a drug of the same negative social drink.

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