Thursday, March 28, 2013

Tips for Parents - Help! My son is addicted to video games

This is time for save your children

Video game industry is one of nearly 35 years and continues to grow every year. Market growth has been accompanied by improvements in technology. What modern, 2 years away is the player with the latest and greatest gaming systems.

Video games are becoming more and more realistic and exciting, which makes them popular with children and teenagers. This study shows that about 79% of American children now play computer and video on a regular basis. And most of the games on the market depends on the number of children aged 7-17 years.

In another study conducted in the Netherlands, the company's New Senior tagapagpananaliksik, video games are part of the daily routine of nearly 61% of men and women up to 15 years. Interestingly, however, in this study, nearly 4,000 children, 65% prefer to use computer games as a gaming console.

The development of the gaming industry is not without controversy. Although more research is information that the television as the first results of the theory seems to be a toy that children who participate in complex and violent video games rather melancholy to make physical violence in real life .

Video games have a rating system that parents, to understand the level of violence and sexual content in the game, before you can buy. Most games have the positive elements of the game. Children learn problem-solving skills, improve concentration with distractions and the ability to plan.

However, the game belongs to the subset, the nature of violence, blood, and anti-social behavior of their concerns with parents, teachers, lawyers and doctors. The results are. Round of congressional hearings, policy debate and ongoing research on outcomes for children and young people

In the past, organizations such as the American Psychological Association, American Medical Association and the American Academy of Pediatrics all research, scientific evidence that children who are prone to violent TV, more likely to have aggressive behavior shows performed. The researchers suggest that people who play video games aggressive, even at a higher risk, because online games, instead of passive, recurring every game and children spend the same level for the next performance, and how to increase the chances of learning opportunities and the video game offers prizes for participants.

See review of 35 different studies, violence in video games and the behavior of those who played, the researchers found the number of interesting relationships. When viewing violent games, the normal reaction of a person is raised. This means that the game will cause an increase in heart rate and blood pressure. The effects of violent games increases aggressive thoughts and feelings of children in a short period of time. In a study of 8th and 9th grade students who played violent games are more inclined to see the world as a hostile country. They got into a disagreement with the teacher and more physical fights.

It is suggested that video games are not to blame in this situation. Instead, the children physically aggressive towards video games and TV shows, and more. While that may be a grain of truth, but not the whole truth. In another study, the researchers measured the properties of hostility controlled for sex and aggression level and number of video games, and even found that students involved in violent games, and play with aggressive behavior, regardless of their previous level is not a sign of hostility.

The last relationship was found that children exposed to a permanent base on the violent video game with a reduced ability to have compassion for other people, which, as measured by their willingness to others the need for positive support.

As a result of the Columbine High School shootings, then-President Bill Clinton, asked the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to investigate the validity of the charges, specifically market Mapping the creators of the video game "M" for violence on children. In a report published in 2000 revealed that 70% of games at a time with "M" is intentionally marketed to children under the age of 17. This confirms that, although the game guarantees parental attention were sold irresponsibly.

But most of the video games available today are not violent. Rather, it is legal to target young people, and maybe even some educational value of the game. There are games that teach problem solving skills, hand-eye coordination, strategy and planning.

Parents of school-age children and youth are often faced with two problems. The first related to the violence in the games available in the market for our children. The second refers to the amount of time the children are sitting in front of the TV and video games wiling their time watching other people live it.

The majority of studies conducted on the video game, has the effect of attention and interaction with these violent games, as well as research on children watching TV, and therefore the results Expanded including sit for hours in front of the flickering screen of the laptop. Researchers from the University of California, television link from 2 to 4 hours a day may increase risk of high blood pressure and obesity.

The results of this study must be understood. We are called to be active and release energy. Sitting in front of a computer, portable gaming system or TV only reduces the metabolism, poor nutrition and weight gain. All of these things lead to poor overall health.

The question of whether children should be playing video games is a question to be answered on an individual basis, people who should know better than their parents. Some children have addictive qualities of character will come sooner and harder to get away from the game, while others can only play while you are traveling by car or out of the rain. You must be sure the parents of her decision to get the game on your computer or gaming system. Be prepared right before I got the game and adhere to these guidelines.

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