Sunday, March 31, 2013

Video Gaming in Our Lives

Play video games and disadvantages

Video games are a big part of life in almost every family, the children play, or parents. There are all kinds of video games for children, adult, violence, adventure, shooter first, Internet, etc.. I could say more, but I think you get the point, there is a video game for almost every individual.

Although the video game tennis, electronic version of ping-pong, or challenge, ping-pong, touted as the first video game in the future. No doubt, he was the first "Red Hot" of the first players to be. Since its inception, the gaming world exploded. In the video, it is a profitable business and old alike. Also. Become a popular genre in the world of entertainment were some major motion pictures. With the issue of video as different versions of Resident Evil and the fate of the other hand, video games from big movies like Transformers arisen. TV. Hands on video game industry favorites like Transformers, a cartoon long before the movie help

Video has become one of the most successful industry, but, like most success with doubt, fear, and even failure. Many feel that their impact on society, especially for the younger generation, have both positive and negative consequences. This study shows that the extent of use, it is. Positive impact on mental and physical development of children, some positive aspects of the video game communicates your hand-eye coordination of mental, educational value and funds for various shy, introverted other children. The negative aspects are involved, there is a tendency to neglect the rest of the world. Another reason is that some people tend to confuse fantasy with reality. Video game for cases where the person (s) to deviate from the truth, and in extreme cases, as a crutch used to make a mistake and was named.

Violence in video games is an important issue, especially in children. Some fear that violence may take the individual aggressiveness that brought young and old to express. Although it has been proven that video games have therapeutic effect, and have implications for the weak minded.

Rating system for video games

If you do not, the toys that children play appropriate controls affected users of the landscape. E-rate game for everyone. Includes games, such as sports video game, Mario Brothers, Sponge Bob. Consider appropriate toys with movies like Madagascar is created that fall into this category.

Rated T games for teens. They schedule a bit more detailed and could use some sexual and graphics, but graphics from Gore.

Mature M-rated games. This is only for adults, with lots of blood, sexual content and graphic carnage. Grand Theft Auto is a good example of video games rated M. Other M video game war game rate, which has lots of killing and blood.

Even with such a system for the analysis mentioned above, children will continue to choose the deemed unsuitable for them. You can always find a way to play this kind of video game, and not the most appropriate for their age.

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