Thursday, March 28, 2013

Work Games - Bright Prospects

The video game industry is hot

It is no secret that the U.S. and the world from the worst suffering, or maybe the worst recession in our lifetime. The credit crisis is the main reason that the bank crashes and led to millions of foreclosures homes. Those who can be a confusing time, a career just out of high school or higher education.

However, despite the economic downfall we are experiencing amazing range continues to expand the consumer market - video game. While most of that is not possible, the video game industry is booming.

If you are interested in a multitude of activities video games, read and record.

After, Gamestop CEO, Dan DeMatteo, "the business of video games continues to increase strength and, therefore, many of the fastest-growing category of consumer." The company expects to see revenue growth of 10% to 12% in 2009. GameStop video game retail boutique, many players prefer.

You are not alone when it comes to optimism for the development of retail video game. In a press release, the game Doc expand its franchise business growth in a hot market. "Achieving double digit growth in this tough economy is further proof that video games are the most popular forms of entertainment in the country," said Jim Belanger, president of Gamer Doc.

Video signs of growing new markets

The popularity of video games is growing not only in the U.S. and other Western countries, traditional and China. Then broadband is growing rapidly in China. That is why online gaming is booming. In 2008, China for $ 1.79 billion in revenue gaming industry expected to grow to $ 2.3 billion in 2009. Expected rate of growth of the industry to reach 20% in each subsequent year.

New Video Popular Entertainment

The development of video games in these difficult times is not unusual. More than ever, the need to escape, so you stay healthy. The same trend occurred during the Great Depression of the 1930s. Then, the film industry is booming and asked stalwarths entertainment for Universal Pictures and Walt Disney Company.

Best Games Release in 2009

In 2009, there were some long-awaited release of the video game, will continue to drive sales forecasts, according to a luxurious reality. This Names:

    Resident Evil 5 (Xbox 360, PlayStation 3) - 13 ?a?t???
    God of War III (PlayStation 3) - TBA
    Grand Theft Auto Chinatown Wars (Nintendo DS) - 17 ?a?t???
    Street Fighter IV (Xbox 360, PS3) - 17 Feß???a????
    Batman: Arkham Asylum (Xbox 360, PS3) - TBA
    Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (Xbox 360) - Fall 2009
    Halo Wars (Xbox 360) - 28 Feß???a????
    Star Wars: The Old Republic (PC) - TBA

The Great Job Video

When it comes to video games, the future is certainly brighter than most consumer market. Of course, the future brighter for Jobs to play.

Field continues to grow with the market and not yet fully realized. Two traditional areas come to mind: online games and mobile games.

Despite the MMORPG (massively multiplayer online role-Playing Game) has been for years, it is still a niche market. With the growth of broadband, HDTV, and a living room console, such as MMORPG, Wii remain mainstream press. And when it does, the video game market is experiencing even explosion. In addition, the kit grow mobile gaming devices like the iPhone and its competitors to be more traditional consumption.

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