Sunday, April 14, 2013

Testing new video game? Three courses, how to make money, discovering new video games

Making money by testing new video games

Paid to try new video game dream of many players, but it is to give a tough industry - and successful in. Here are some of the most useful tips to earn money beta PC and console games that you begin your first job as a test, how to get to the top rank (and pay scale) as soon as possible to get.

1.  Start by looking for work with Nintendo and Microsoft. These companies are constantly coming in search of the player and performs basic testing of video games, including failure to console and looking for major problems. You will come to a real place, and tend to wait for 8 hours from you. The job pays a little more than minimum wage, but to teach you how to look at the video game and what the company will look forward to their game.

2.  If you have experienced major test video games, you can start looking for a job in game development by the company and build your own games. This is a permanent full-time positions in major corporations. Higher education is a plus, but not required. What to show the most important experience testing video game and the passion and talent, a video game which is provided for testing improves.

3.  Another way to get a video game testing industry, "sneak" it - that is, it is different from but related areas. After the first experience with basic level of control, as mentioned in # 1, there is work to do simple programming for the development of video games. Not only will it be easy for you, bypass you, try new video games also have many valuable asset, because you know how to encode the video game and have a better understanding of how how to fix glitches found in the game.

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