Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Three Black Ops Tips to Keep You Alive and Well

Follow the tips and play better

Call of Duty: Black Ops will be one of the most frustrating online video games, if only because it is easy to make the wrong decision, or to look at the body bag in the wrong direction and in the long run. For the players, to be successful, you should be aware of three basic tips on Black Ops, no doubt keep them, safe and secure end.

1. Study the map - Usually when a person sees a "learning map" as a tip for the video game, they immediately think about the level of the game again and again, until you are familiar with the it. Although this type of approach can be useful, it is more like banging your head against the wall until it breaks, and not what we are talking about here. Study the map, then go. He has one or the other, and carefully evaluate the different places that you can use, and I play the main bottlenecks alone or with a friend, you can better analyze landscape not constant fear of attack, and can help you. The best route to your safety patrol and destroy the enemy.

2. Context-driven Guns - always important to choose the COD games (especially Black Ops), a frame with light weapons. It simply means that he needs to get a weapon suitable for the intended play cards. For example, if you play 24/7 Nuketown server group Deathmatch mode, it is desirable to have a workload that includes Pro leaders to choose how you can attach the grenades and more gas can be used for Spam beginning of all life, and improve the overall line. It would be wise to stay in such a situation the benefits, as a ninja, but we still have to move the frenzy around the map.

3. Work Out - If you're just playing to see a larger map, often a good idea to get the Black Ops is a game where you can get your skills are useless if you are caught back and patrol the edge of the arena could help, the amount of risk you expect your part can occur. Pure style of play Death Race, you can see the map in a hurry to jump center, but in many functions of the group tend to give your team a strong position, if you have good control over the environment.

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